There are several strategies you can perform to help reduce the risks of scorpions, but they will not eliminate them. Scorpions love to live underneath rocks, bricks, debris, and near the foundation of your home. It's hard to keep scorpions out of these places around your home without proper residential pest management.
Try to monitor rocks and debris around your house to see if they are living there. If you have an Arizona lawn, please cut the grass as short as possible to eliminate potential hiding areas.
As you walk the foundation of your property, check for cracks or damage as scorpions can navigate their slim bodies in these areas. You will want to also pay attention to the opening of your house, such as; garage doors, door entryways, windows, and vents.
Scorpions are infamous for shrinking their bodies down to the size of a credit card to fit through openings. They can be tough to see without the use of ultraviolet light. Cats have been known to hunt scorpions at night and alert their owners or even kill scorpions for you.
The easiest way to find and locate scorpions can be the use of ultraviolet lighting. When these lights are used, scorpions will light up and become detected. If you find scorpions in your house or outside, there are likely more nearby.
Scorpions will often hide under rocks, desert landscape, in washes, near preserves, golf courses, and explore them. Most people prefer to have the experts play hid and seek with scorpions.
Scorpions are excellent climbers, so you may find them in trees, along walls, and hiding under outdoor furniture. They generally prefer cool, dry areas, but you may see them near pools as well.
Where are scorpions found in Arizona?
Scorpions can be found throughout Arizona; however, they are more common in warmer regions of Arizona.
Facts about scorpions:
- Scorpions can live up 25 years old.
- Scorpions can live up to one year without food.
- Scorpions will appear to glow in the dark under ultraviolet lighting.
- Scorpions give birth to their young live.
Scorpions are arthropods (similar to bees and spiders), with only one (bark scorpion) considered life-threatening. The bark scorpion is the most common type of scorpion in Arizona. They are more active during the evening hours and the hot Arizona summer months.
There are several more types of scorpions found in Arizona, such as; the Yellow Ground Scorpion, the Stripetail Scorpion, and the Giant Hairy Scorpion. Scorpions can move quickly and hard to spot as they move.
The bark scorpion is light brown, helping to blend into the natural Arizona desert landscape.
Bark scorpions can range from the size of a quarter to a half-dollar coin or about 3-4 inches in length.
The Arizona bark scorpion can birth up to 20-30 at one time to quickly multiply in your home. Infestations can occur rapidly unless the proper pest control strategy is implemented.
Scorpions will likely feed on smaller animals such as; beetles, cockroaches, crickets, and spiders. Their venom can cause severe pain for 1-3 days, and thousands of people are stung each year. Fatalities are rare, and there have only been a few cases over the past several decades in Arizona.
Are Scorpions in Arizona Dangerous?
Scorpions are known to sting humans. If you are stung, please seek immediate medical attention. If stung, please make sure to take immediate first aid at-home care by washing the site of the sting with soap and water. Additionally, apply a cold compress and have the affected area relaxed and comfortable.
There are a few signs and symptoms of scorpion stings you should know about. You will likely feel an immediate pain on your skin. This can be followed by numbness and tingling, which may move across your body. The impacted area may be sensitive to touch.
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