Yuma is a desert oasis city that’s home to over 90,000 friendly residents. Whether you’re here for pilot training at the Yuma Marine Corps Air Station or decided to make Yuma your winter retirement destination, you are going to come across a variety of pests in your home that you might not have dealt with in other areas of the nation. In fact, one of the most frequently asked questions that Hitman Pest receives is “what are the most common pests I should know about when I move to Yuma?”
Most people assume Yuma is rampant with scorpions and snakes. While they are here, it might surprise you to learn that those are not the most common pests in Yuma!
We compiled a list of the top 6 most common pests to warn you about what you can expect when you move to our city!
If you hear the sound of flapping wings overhead, don’t look up! Here comes one of Yuma’s most annoying pests. Pigeons settle in Yuma faster than a retiree can drive his RV out of Canada before the first snowfall!
You’ll notice pigeons huddling on your roof and front entrances; wherever they can find a slice of shade from the merciless desert sun.
Pigeons can poop up to 50 times a day. Their droppings are known to carry diseases such as psittacosis and tuberculosis. Hosing off pigeon droppings from your front door, driveway and patio furniture is a weekly chore. When left to rot, their droppings can erode your metal patio furniture. They are a constant nuisance here in Yuma.
You probably have fond memories of sitting on your back porch during summer evenings and listening to the sound of crickets chirping. The good memories can turn into a nightmare when crickets find their way into your home.
Crickets hop into homes at night when outdoor temperatures drop. Male crickets rub their wings together and make chirping sounds to attract female crickets and repel other males. This noise can keep you up all night.
And it's not just noise you'll have to deal with. Crickets can destroy house plants by feeding on them. Crickets will also chew on wood, fabrics, and even paper.
Since crickets can live for several months, it’s best to get rid of them right away to restore peace in your home.
You’ll find that agriculture is a driving economic force throughout Yuma County. Where you find plants and flowers, you’ll find bees. While these insects are great pollinators, they also deliver painful stings to unwary backyard barbecue enthusiasts.
If you see them around your property, they are probably looking for water. You’ll often find them buzzing around pools and air condition condensation drains.
Bee issues get serious when they build their hives close to your home, deck, or detached garage. Normally honey bees avoid stinging you. Once they sting, they die so they are inclined not to sting you in favor of living. That said, if you threaten their hive they will defend it with their lives.
Spiders are among the most common pests in Yuma. While people tolerate them because of their ability to snare flies, others realize the dangers that spiders present. Spiders have no problem invading your home, garage or garden shed.
Certain spiders have venomous bites that can cause serious allergic reactions in sensitive people. Experts warn people to wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and gloves when going into areas of their property that might house spiders such as the Arizona brown spider or black widow spider.
You may not notice an increase in spider webs around your yard, patio or garage until your landscaper or pool maintenance man warn you they’ve found spider eggs on your property. Another easy way to tell is when your pets have small bumps on their heads, indicating spider bites. You’ll need pest control treatment almost certainly if spider eggs are found.
You might find trails of red ants in and around your house the day you move in. Ants are excellent examples of industrious workers. Even if you don’t have them in your own home, you can expect to see red ants somewhere in your neighborhood. They are everywhere in Yuma.
Their single-mindedness to carry away the crumbs that surround your toaster oven leaves your kitchen counters, stovetop, and table vulnerable to dangerous organisms such as E. coli and salmonella.
Ants also bite. When small children or other sensitive persons are bitten by ants, they can develop painful lesions that require antiseptics to prevent infections. Don't let ants have free reign over your home. Call ant extermination experts at Hitman Pest of Yuma
Okay, okay. That’s not true. There are no killer flies in Yuma. But they act like it! Unlike anywhere else in the US, the house flies here in Yuma dive-bomb straight into your face! They don’t bite or sting, but it is super annoying when they savagely zoom into your ears and eyes!
Flies are the most annoying and prolific pests in Yuma. When we poll new residents for their first impressions of Yuma, almost all of them say that the flies here are the worst!
No matter how many fly traps you set around your house, you will inevitably have roommates of flies in your house. It’s just your new reality when you move to Yuma.
But these pesky critters aren't just annoying, they can carry harmful diseases and parasites. You'll often see flies around trash and waste who will then land on surfaces in your home. Don't waste any time putting up with insects.
High doses of sunshine, mild winters, and ample recreation activities make this a culturally rich desert city. Its slow pace and charming family-owned businesses make it a highly desirable place to retire or raise a family.
Don’t let your quality of life take a hit because of common pest problems. Take out a contract on those pest!
Hitman Pest of Yuma specializes in safely and effectively eradicating insects and wildlife from homes in Yuma County.
Our experienced, responsive team of exterminators are standing by to answer your questions about pest control in Yuma. Call us today for a free quote on service.